Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Upcoming Work

I haven't posted here in a while, but I just want to list the upcoming ideas that I have, even though I don't have time to write them now. Mostly I am doing this to keep the four or five stories I have floating in my head in some semblance of order so that I don't forget them. It may be another week or so before I venture into the actual endeavor of writing the fiction down, as I have correcting to do, lessons to plan, an L5R arc to write the conclusion to, a website to maintain for my students, and, oh yeah, I should probably make some time for my wife somewhere in there.

So, without further ado, here they are (in no particular order):
  • Where Are All the Real Monsters? - vampire story with a twist or two, yes I am venturing into this level of writing, but what the hell, I like the idea that I have, and it gives me the chance to use the word "exsanguination" in a piece - I've always liked the sound of the word.
  • The Hospital (the conclusion) - where we find out what work they do, what happens when he doesn't get the spot by the window, and what the hell is outside the window.
  • Within You, Without You - an exploration of love, loss, and rededication (was there a Joe Satriani song with this name? I think maybe, but I am sure you could tell me, supergoober).
  • Balloon Animals - a character study on emptiness and imitation of life (the way this one is shaping up in my head, it seems really depressing - I think I was in a very disturbed space when I came up with it).
  • The Net Spider - a look at paralysis and stagnation, and depending on how I feel when I write it, I will decide on whether or not to include the last line that I have thought of - if it's included, it is distinctly hopeful, if not, its very bleak. Pay close attention to the use of verb tenses in this one, I will be making specific choices to add a depth of description to a piece that is largely an internal monologue.
  • untitled - I was thinking of a Harlan Ellison inspired piece on the fluidity of time and the Leibnizian idea that we live in the best of all possible worlds. Don't know if I believe that (I'm pretty sure I don't, actually) but what implications would that have for changing timelines if that was true?
  • I had one more, but I can't remember it right now, that is why I decided to write this list; so I wouldn't forget the ideas... hopefully it'll reemerge at some point.

I guess I had more story ideas then I thought. I'll try and have something up soon, but right now, I have to finish writing something on the other blog that I started at about 7 am yesterday and never finished.